What is derby?
A short explanation for those new to the sport
Jammer: The girl with the star on her helmet will race around the track as many times as possible using speed, endurance, and agility in order to score points. Lead jammer is the first jammer to get through the pack legally. Lead jammers have the option to call of the jam at any time.
Pivot: This girl can be identified by the stripe on her helmet. She sets the pace for the pack and serves as the last line of defense.
Blocker: These girls each hold one point. When the opposing jammer passes them, the point has been taken until the opposing jammer takes another lap past them. Their job is to keep the opposing jammer from passing them while helping their jammer pass opposing players.
Pack: The pack in made up of three blockers and one pivot from each team. Their job is to keep the opposing jammer behind them while helping their jammer get through.
General Vocab you need to know
Jam: A two minute period that may be called off by lead jammer or a ref if a skater is injured, which will shorten the jam. There are multiple jams in a bout and 30 second periods between jams that allow for the skaters to be switched out on the line.
Bout: A roller derby "match." It is split up between two 30 minute halves.
Jammer Line: A line that explains where a jammer must start at the start of a jam. Jammers must be behind the line and blockers must be in front of the line.
Power jam: A jam where one jammer is in the penalty box for illegal procedure and the other jammer is on the track and the only one capable of scoring.
The only players with the ability to score are the jammers. The first pass they make through the pack does not count, this is called the initial pass. On their second pass through the pack after doing a lap around the track, she will gain a point for each opposing player passed. While a jam can last for two minutes, often times they are made shorter by the lead jammer calling it off. She will do this by tapping her hands to her hips.
Legal and Illegal Contact
Legal: Torso and hip checks from the side along with blocking with the upper arm is legal when hitting an opposing player. However, if it is your own player, you are free to assist them by pushes and whips and use other body parts to help them clear the pack.
Illegal: There is no blocking with elbows, forearms, hands, or heads. You can not trip, punch, hold onto, grab, or kick another skater. You may not hit, push, or block an opposing skater from behind. You may not cut the track by skating out of bounds past other skater. You may not hit another skater while out of bounds.
Jammer: The girl with the star on her helmet will race around the track as many times as possible using speed, endurance, and agility in order to score points. Lead jammer is the first jammer to get through the pack legally. Lead jammers have the option to call of the jam at any time.
Pivot: This girl can be identified by the stripe on her helmet. She sets the pace for the pack and serves as the last line of defense.
Blocker: These girls each hold one point. When the opposing jammer passes them, the point has been taken until the opposing jammer takes another lap past them. Their job is to keep the opposing jammer from passing them while helping their jammer pass opposing players.
Pack: The pack in made up of three blockers and one pivot from each team. Their job is to keep the opposing jammer behind them while helping their jammer get through.
General Vocab you need to know
Jam: A two minute period that may be called off by lead jammer or a ref if a skater is injured, which will shorten the jam. There are multiple jams in a bout and 30 second periods between jams that allow for the skaters to be switched out on the line.
Bout: A roller derby "match." It is split up between two 30 minute halves.
Jammer Line: A line that explains where a jammer must start at the start of a jam. Jammers must be behind the line and blockers must be in front of the line.
Power jam: A jam where one jammer is in the penalty box for illegal procedure and the other jammer is on the track and the only one capable of scoring.
The only players with the ability to score are the jammers. The first pass they make through the pack does not count, this is called the initial pass. On their second pass through the pack after doing a lap around the track, she will gain a point for each opposing player passed. While a jam can last for two minutes, often times they are made shorter by the lead jammer calling it off. She will do this by tapping her hands to her hips.
Legal and Illegal Contact
Legal: Torso and hip checks from the side along with blocking with the upper arm is legal when hitting an opposing player. However, if it is your own player, you are free to assist them by pushes and whips and use other body parts to help them clear the pack.
Illegal: There is no blocking with elbows, forearms, hands, or heads. You can not trip, punch, hold onto, grab, or kick another skater. You may not hit, push, or block an opposing skater from behind. You may not cut the track by skating out of bounds past other skater. You may not hit another skater while out of bounds.